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Friday 13 November 2015


The Facts About Dreams


It’s happened to most people at least once. You have a dream. You might dismiss it or find it funny but a day or week pass by and happening before your very eyes is the exact dream you just had. Freaky stuff? Or is it just the laws of physics working itself out?
You may dismiss some of these dreams as mere coincidences but some are so accurate and improbable that you cannot help but to wonder if the true nature of time and your mind are closely coupled.
To dive deeper into the mechanics of our dreams, we looked Dr. Eric Amidi’s(a Particle Physicist and a Certified Hypnotist) fascinating overview of the Collage Theory of Time. Dr. Eric Amidi explains, physics has made great strides in explaining the nature of time measurement, but the nature of time itself remains to be quite the mystery to science.
In fact, one of the reasons that quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity cannot be unified is that science does not yet have a firm understanding of time. So why is time so omnipresent that you can feel it everywhere you go, and yet it’s so elusive that you cannot put your finger on it and explain what it is? Could it be because it’s within you? Could it be because it has its roots in your psyche and not the world out there?

Can Our Dreams Explain Time?

According to Dr Eric Amidi, the events and happenings are only snapshots of our lives. A “collage” if you will, and in no particular order. Imagine that all the things that have happened and will happen in your life are laid out in a collage of snapshot pictures on a wall, but you can see only a small portion of this wall due to the limited capacity of your conscious mind.
In your waking life, your logical conscious mind constantly grabs these snapshots and puts them in a logical order, one after the other. This is what you perceive as being the passing of time.
However, Dr. Eric Amidi’s Collage Theory Of Time also explains that while you dream or when you’re in deep meditation you may see beyond now and into the future as your logical conscious mind shuts down. Your conscious mind is no longer able to categorise the events of your life into a logical order.
“Conscious mind out of the way, you get a chance to have a glimpse at the events of your life that would be considered as your future in your waking life…” – Dr. Eric Amidi.
Therefore, when you relax and shut down your logical mind, you may be able to open your mind to a sense of what’s to come and get a glimpse of the whole collage on the wall. The deeper the relaxation, the less present your conscious mind is, therefore the less able it is to put the events of your life in time order; allowing you to get a broader glimpse of the collage of events in your life, some from your future. Pretty cool, right?
Definitely an interesting take on why some of our dreams come true, and what are consciousness and subconsciousness mind is capable of. 

sources: Finer minds from google!! 

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